Vertical Garden Ideas For Greener Balcony

greener balcony

Vertical gardens are a major trend and have aesthetic, physiological, and environmental benefits when planted on a balcony. This trend is because of the cramped living conditions where the thought of having home gardens appear farfetched. Yet vertical gardens on balconies are an innovative and highly effective home garden solution that can be made to enhance the living experience of home dwellers in urban settings. These gardens help urban home dwellers to fully utilize their limited space in a creative way. Another important advantage of having vertical gardens is that it absorbs noise and thus cancel out noise pollution. It is known to absorb about 40% more noise than an ordinary façade. Plants also help to reduce physical signs of stress and are known to enhance the psychological well-being of home dwellers, who have vertical gardens on their balcony.  

Here are some ideas for a Vertical Garden:


A living wall is a great idea that one can make with vertical gardens. This living wall ensures that you can add a number of thriving plants that can add abundance to your balcony and act as a protective shield. A living wall can act as a fence as well as absorb harmful pollutants and hazardous VOCs and poisons, including carbon monoxide, benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde. Therefore they give urban dwellers a pure environment to breathe in.


Container gardens are gardens that thrive within a container that you can add at the back of the door. This adds a green punch of vibrancy to your balcony. The biggest advantage of such a container garden is that plant care is at your fingertips.


Hanging baskets is another kind of vertical garden idea that can be easily incorporated into your balcony. Hanging baskets are a great idea if you have a minimum space to work with and they also do not require a great deal of maintenance.


One can buy the same kind of planters and nail them in an asymmetrical way on the fence of your balcony. To create a more ordered design element, one can use different variations of the same bloom.


One can make interesting vertical gardens on your balcony by using used bottles. One can paint bottles in different colors. Cut the front part of the bottle, put soil in them, and plant. One can make small holes at the bottom for drainage. Use rope or pole to position these bottles vertically on a stick or fence of your balcony.

Vertical Gardens on balconies have more advantages than we can imagine. They help create a balance in the living ecosystem. They are excellent mood enhancers, easy to maintain, and help reduce the carbon footprint. Thus Vertical gardens are an excellent recent trend that we should all embrace.

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